Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm throwin' on my Louboutins ... !

In the words of J.Lo, "I'm throwin' on my Louboutins ... !"  .... This is what I'll be doing for the first time ever - as I am now a proud owner of Christian Louboutin Pigalle 120 patent pumps!

I'm having these shipped from the UK (Net-a-porter). Really, couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the size 38 was available. I jumped at them immediately as I've been eyeing them off for way too long now, and there just never seemed to be any left in my size, ever! So this was a sign. (As was every other shoe purchase, right? lol).
Anyway, as I've been in need of some serious retail therapy, these are heaven sent. Clearly! I also apologise to those of you who have found my blog mildly interesting, for my MIA ... I guess I thought I'd have more time to blog while on uni-break, but it turns out I just have more responsibilites. I think I'm going to stay in uni for a while longer, por che no? Life is good. In my final year now ...  ahh law school will send me to my grave.

So, provided these arrive before next weekend - my friend's 25th is on Saturday and we've got an apartment in the city and have planned a massive girls night out - I plan to couple them with a red tube dress from Kookai, which is 'toight like a tiger' ... now I just have to go easy on the chocolate this week and this should work out! haha Here's hoping! 

Hope everyone is enjoying 2011 thus far!



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